Last post I discussed the basics of privacy settings and recommendations about what Facebook call "Things I share". Today I want to discuss "Things others share" and websites\apps privacy settings.
All the following settings can be set here under "Customize settings".Things others share includes photos I'm tagged in, posts and comments of friends, allowing friends to post on your wall and lately Facebook has also added the option to suggest to your friends photos that look like you using facial recognition technology.
If you have Facebook friends that you don't trust I suggest you do not let them tag you or view your tagged pictures. As to the new feature of suggesting your pictures to your friends I advise you as a precaution before using a new feature like that which can actually compromise your privacy to just keep it disabled for a little while until it has been investigated thoroughly and shown to work well and securely.
You will also notice you have the option to let others "Check In" for you, which gives your friends the ability to make it look like you were somewhere you never went to. The most worrying thing about this feature is that with some new legal precedent this can be held against you in extreme cases. again I highly recommend that you disable that, at least for the time being.
Next is your contact information which by default is open to everybody to see. You should carefully decide who you want to be able to see your phone number or email address, and now with the new Facebook e-mail addresses you can always decide to leave that address available to anyone to see and hide all the rest (for more about the new Facebook e-mail and messages read here).
Going back to the main privacy setting window you will find the "Connecting on Facebook" link where you can control who can contact you, find you, or even add you as a friend. I really like this page because here I can set that no-one will find me unless they have a direct link to my profile. this way I don't get friend requests I wouldn't want to accept. Here I suggest you to let friends of your friends to find you and let everyone send you messages, friends request I believe should only be available to friends of friends (I let everyone send me messages or add me as friends since I'm giving away invites to all kind of services that are Facebook dependent such as RockMelt and Facebook Messages)
If after all the tinkering and playing around with the settings you are not sure how your profile looks like to other people you should try the "Preview My Profile" button on the top right. Here you can see how your profile looks like for a specific friend or to anyone else.
Last tip for today:
Apps And Websites Privacy Settings
Here you can revoke access you previously gave any app or website - I recommend going back to this page every 2-4 weeks.
You can also set which information apps that your friends use can get - I think its best not to trust your friends judgement on who can get your info. Remove all!
Public Search will control how people that finds you on Google or other search engines will see you - My preference is not to let'em find me at all.
Last for today is "Instant Personalization"

When this option is enabled all our information is automatically shared with all of Facebook partners and will expose all your information and your friends information to this websites to do whatever they want with it. Please! Disable this and ask your friends to do the same.
This was part 2 of Facebook Privacy Settings Tips.
If you find this information wrong, annoying, not informative enough or TMI please let me know and I WILL get the guy that wrote this bullshit fired. (but seriously if you have any comments you can easily and anonymously comment in the text box below)
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