Google have decided a while ago to go into the social media business and you can see it everywhere the +1, Youtube, Buzz, Wave, Social search, Trends, Realtime search, Google Voice Google Chat and many other services that Google offers and can somehow be social.
Google are not building a new social website, Google are turning themselves into a giant social machine.
Now using your Google profile Google will connect all their social aspects together and now with the new Google+ we will share differently, instead of managing one wall for hundreds of friends we will have "Circles" and each circle will have it's own group of friends that can see and share and control (a lot like Wave was supposed to be before it failed)
"Huddle" will be everything group chat needs to be including a nice group video chat that will automatically center on whoever speaks louder and a mobile app for group chat.
"Sparks" will be a renewed way we share stuff with our friends and will give us a constant stream of stuff we're interested about.
and everything will revolve around our Google profiles that must of us already have (and some of us don't even know it)
So check out your Google profile and get it updated. (like mine)
Learn a bit about your information at Google here, and check who are the people that google already think you are connected to.
Enjoy the Google Experience.
And finally don't forget to request an invite from Google
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